prayer for the romantic

There are many romantics
out here, some write poetry,
some daydream, some wait
for the internet to find
them their true love.


Some leave poetry on
strangers’ tables and disappear.
Some light candles.
While a few even get dates.
Those with charming manners
Or unearthly beauty
find love or at least a first-imitation
Of it because appearance
Is the folly of human perception.

And then there are those who sit and
Wait before workplaces and colleges,
markets and houses, that their
object of affection will give them
a glance. I wish not to be
confused by the vaayunokki type.
But thin, blurred lines exist between
Romantics and these roadside Romeos.

Oh and yes, the silent admirers
whose affectionate may die
and will still not let a word slip.


But I pray, I pray tonight,
with all the butter lamps, incense and hope,
that all these romantics here,
myself included of course,
find the vessel of our affections.
Someone who doesn’t necessarily have to be
hopelessly in love with us
But needs to be sensitive of our journey,
of our fluttering hearts and elaborate daydreams.
They have to be patient with us,
Allow us to settle because our perplexed
heart, tired from the waiting, needs to catch
a breath, before to you, it gives it all away.

Listen you.

Yes you,

There’s a difference of half a day between us – I walk ahead and you follow. Some days, I forget that such a difference exists. But in our life together, I feel you’re ahead of me always holding onto my slipping hand-looking back to see if I’m catching up. Thousands of miles and an entire face of the earth separates us.And its in between these hours and this distance- twilit and wee, that the two us make our ends meet. 

You’re a man of few words. And I know this much that when you use them, you mean every syllable and that gives me hope until the next time that I miss our rendezvous and flip at you- as is my nature. I know how tough I can be to handle. But you somehow calm the my barrage of thoughts. Not through charm and debauchery. But wisdom – with patience- the things that make you walk ahead of me, guiding my hyper-excited self on this road that we took not knowing what would follow. I wouldn’t say I’ve accepted this as our final reality and that I’m a river of hope – waiting to wash you off the shore when you come back and sit by me. No, I’m still going to throw words at you which will sting the next time I get impatient or allow our egos to lash against each other. I am going to look behind – hide things I feel I’d be judged by; break your heart with a simple glance of nonchalance. Some days I will come crying to you and bury myself within you – and if you’re not there for me at that moment-then you wouldn’t hear from me unless you come looking for me like you’ve been doing. You always come to find me even if I’ve put you off.

I was never really broken by love. I am too young for that. But there are other things that run deep- things people don’t talk about. Things that flood into our lives and take away precious memories and possibilities. What once was will never be. I’d get hurt, I’d wait, I’ll heal and something would come hurt me again. Repeat this enough and you begin understanding at a very early age that life as you see it is different from what most others see. Pity – I look down upon because it has never done any good to me. Hope I hold- but it slips away like sand and everything else that is blissful to hold onto. Emotions are momentary. They come -enthrall you with their intensity- seep little by little until one day they are nothing but a distant memory. Nothing but a few things are here to stay, in our lives. And when you know the deeper meaning of all these innuendos you understand how hard it is for some of us to maintain a constant rainbow of happiness. It comforts me to tell myself that I’m deeper than the others- but the alternate truth could be just one simple thing: I’m living in denial, perhaps. Whatever it is – what no one could do, you’ve done. So far, so good. And even this journey has been (though short)tumultuous and you’ve managed to steer us past the rocky bits.

At the end of the day you always make the wise choice of Asking me if I’m really okay – listening to my fears- solving my little problems as though I’m your child- laugh at my insecurities with me and then make me sleep better. We’ve shared many things. But its time I told you how special I feel when you do not mind going that extra mile to make sure I never sleep with a turbulent thought. I know its hard for you – in another place, a whole new different life, other friends, different experiences and opportunities -to remember a time that we spent together and to relate to my parallel reality – as a workaholic and all the other things that come with me – but you manage. 

We’re too young to think too much (says the over-thinker). But I’m just glad I have someone who is away from my immediate situation and sometimes when I’m torn to bits- your simple, ‘So what I was telling is- its going to be okay. You sleep, okay? I’ll call tomorrow.’ can make a world of a difference. I don’t have to tell you the details – you figure them out anyway. You never give up on my tyrant self because somewhere you have the heart to understand.

You apologize far too much for little mistakes that I love about you and turn a deaf ear to all my self-depreciation with a that doesn’t even matter. I’ve been told I’m wrong so may times that when you say you don’t care if its right or wrong, I see hope – hope in a more accepting me. I learn from you – the way you believe that you can make up for everything that we are not experiencing as we should- for believing in a person like me who is far too busy figuring out herself and being there for those who need her most- you understand why I am the way I am. So this long letter that I’m sending right before our exams begin is a reminder – a warning – a letter of gratitude- for somehow always taking care of us being the wiser one. I ‘ll take care of everything else if you can just take care of us and never lose hope. Because that is all that binds people who live miles apart like us, alive. Our circumstances may one day force us into another reality perhaps, in the future. But at least we will have these moments of certainty – now we know that there is a possibility of safety, of love and of deep understanding.

You say you’re not good with words like me but whatever you use- work like magic on me.. You’ve made this year far too special for me since you came back and I knew I was the person you spoke last to, before taking off. 

I know you love these never-ending passages of mine that I send you in My Day- while you sleep- so that you wake up to paragraphs, literally everyday. But this one’s all about you. About us. And about the uncertain yet grateful me.

We’ve had our great days- every memory is etched in my mind- all that laughter; all the stupidity; the running – the madness- the darkness- the light- the piggy-faces-the tantrums-the waiting-the adjustment-the excitement and the miles. And these memories are here to stay so we can make some more, hopefully. I won’t share more because honestly, as time’s passed by and I’ve grown up (or so I believe) I’ve begun understanding: some things are best kept between us.

I will say nothing else because you already know. I will die before saying a cheesy line to make anyone happy. But its all bottled up inside for the next time you put me off. Do not worry. I will never disappoint you in that department. I will never go easy on you – always be whimsical and indecisive. Expect nothing and yet hope for everything. Because you know what, in this entire world right now, I believe you’re the only one I feel the necessity to assert my wishes upon – haq se– just you. Happy Valentine’s Day (there, I said it before it got over in your zone). Also, Come back soon. 



(PS: This is written as part of The Chennai Bloggers Club Valentine’s Day Letter Special so take it lightly readers)


If I could immerse myself in something right now…in these times when you are tired but you have pushed yourself so hard to do something that you cannot sleep. But your mind isn’t settling into the task that you set out to do, either.

These are moments I had words that could take me somewhere. On a trip. Escapism at its best. The future can wait while I dream with my eyes open.

I really don’t see what a few guilt-free trips of escapism can do to harm anyone. Sometimes it just rejuvenates. It reminds us that we are still in control. Warms our hearts, ignites our bones.

If you’re feeling out of place or sometimes, misplaced … lose yourself into something you can claim control of anytime… but it kindles the fire of hope in you. We have to face it, good or bad. Might as well do it with renewed energy. Hope is life. If words can turn the pages in your life, allow them to. Immerse yourself. Embrace the story. The nature of its occurrence hardly matters.

For me, its books. It words and conversations with people who make me think, smile and listen. Its moments sitting under the shade of a tree watching kids play. Talking to my parents and letting the steam off…bite bits of their wisdom (whether or not I can digest it, later) or crack family jokes with my sister. Sounds very gharelu. It’s called Homesickness.

For you it could be re-visiting your childhood with old photographs, swimming in the pond behind your house (if you’re one of those lucky few), meeting people who buzz you, long walks away from any immediate concern, a cup of tea under the streetlights at midnight, a long drive with strangers to Nandi Hills (I’ve covered that base, I ca say proudly. Though now we are friends) etc.

Just jump out that window. Don’t hold back. Rejuvenate before you wilt away.

Love always.


Desperate words.

Life is.

Everything hanging out in a random box, unintentionally,  piling up day after day.

Some useful. Some morose.  Some dumped-in because they don’t fit in…perhaps because they are broken or mismatched.
Some just waiting to get noticed because you put them in there in your cleaning spree with NO FORETHOUGHT and now are looking for it everywhere.
Will you find it? Yet, its still there.
Life can be a mess or organised as Cara Delevigne ‘s vanity-box or Bob Borson ‘s architecture blog.
Or just be beautiful, frank and yet original like Anh Duongart ‘s self-portraits.


You jut have to live it to solve the puzzle. Embrace the madness. Be open to possibilities and risk.  Push yourself. Find yourself. Let go. Repeat!

Hold the tension like a Violin String and make something beautiful! (Julie Bernstein)

Get wounded. Accept loss. Cry. Throw Up. Fall down. Tear. Bleed. Burn. Cry again. Let guilt poke you. Sorrow sting you. Because its okay. And you’ll heal.


Joel Meyerowitz says, “Time is unstoppable. Nature as time erases the wounds. Transforms the event as it goes further away.”
Pick up the pieces, make something new. Its all just lying there for you to see.
Passionate optimism.

Making Love with Words.



I love the sight of blank pages inviting the depths of my imagination to explode into a multitude of colors…spill into my veins and ink it’s emptiness; give it Life with words; make it Breathe; make it Feel; give it experiences and a unique character. The page beckons my hand forward, to fondle it before I pick up the pen and romance it with swift strokes that form alphabets melting into words. And that right there, is true love. Passionate and fiery. Unconsummated. Inflammable. Poisonous. Like an opiate hypnotism. Just a fragrance hits you with such strong reminiscence. It may have never occurred, what you reminisce of , but perhaps it was the thought in your mind when you were living that moment, imagining the things you could have done but did not. Fragrance has that power, like I’ve always said.

The rest of the world begins to fade away…the panorama now turning into a narrow spectrum focus…where the flames of the two devour one another. They singe whatever surrounds them. Post consummation, the afterglow would be a set of freshly pressed words, still wet from being inked onto the threads of the paper…awaiting the warmth of somebody’ vision to caress it as day breaks.

The Magic is the impact that these words create in the reader’s mind…how they tear his reality apart and scratch his conscience…drowning him inti their own world, a separate dimension. The key to unlock the Gates is nothing  but the mere knowledge of those words. And the reader is now falling slowly within the void…a bottomless trench….lights spin around him as he enters this new world…cold and naked; covered by his own shame and inhibitions…coiled on the strange and alien earth of this new dimension. Like a babel.

Words follow him and surround his naked-self with a sheath of their own, bursting into sparks wherever they kiss his fair skin and forming glittering links to one another…until he is adorned with a sparkling suit of crystals.

He allows the words to make him stand up on his feet, letting the new sunshine fall upon his crystal skin and send a spectrum of colorful light in all directions. 

And he felt Beauty. The words instilled this beauty in his soul. Every facet of his, glowing and embracing this new sensation…ecstatic and delirious with alien pleasure.

What writers put into the words they ink, is a piece of their soul, how they look at the world. And when the Reader greedily devours these words sitting by light and throughout the night, these words capture his imagination and transform his uniqueness so as to show him what the writer had intended to. But one’s originality in interpretation cannot be easily washed and so, a new dimension is created altogether. To each, its own. And the reader can now indulge in this new fantasy. Whatever the story may be, it transcends the reader into its dimension. And this is we romance with words, twisting them to satiate ourselves. Life is but a journey and bit of colorful imagery can only do it good. Blend with it. Let it smoke…and surround you in it’s tendrils of nothingness. Let it whisper at you things, in the dark of the night as you stare at it in amazement but hold yourself back, all the same. Let the wind rush against you as you ride with it in meandering lanes, lost but never without hope because you have begun to trust it. Let it offer you nectar that it had infused with other cognacs and let it flow to soothe you and elevate you.  Allow the words to take over. But learn to leave them behind in the books because, after all, its all a mere illusion and you do not want to get caught up in your own fantasy.

Let it be a small reminder of the things that could be. And every time you smell a hint of that old smoke, you will be taken back to those memories and that moment where everything seemed perfect. Let that make you happy and energize you to what is to come, in reality.



love always,

Guest Blogger at Penguin’s Inked


Do check it out, dear Readers 🙂
Its dedicated to the great Paulo Coelho !

Hope you like it,
Arrividerci 🙂