prayer for the romantic

There are many romantics
out here, some write poetry,
some daydream, some wait
for the internet to find
them their true love.


Some leave poetry on
strangers’ tables and disappear.
Some light candles.
While a few even get dates.
Those with charming manners
Or unearthly beauty
find love or at least a first-imitation
Of it because appearance
Is the folly of human perception.

And then there are those who sit and
Wait before workplaces and colleges,
markets and houses, that their
object of affection will give them
a glance. I wish not to be
confused by the vaayunokki type.
But thin, blurred lines exist between
Romantics and these roadside Romeos.

Oh and yes, the silent admirers
whose affectionate may die
and will still not let a word slip.


But I pray, I pray tonight,
with all the butter lamps, incense and hope,
that all these romantics here,
myself included of course,
find the vessel of our affections.
Someone who doesn’t necessarily have to be
hopelessly in love with us
But needs to be sensitive of our journey,
of our fluttering hearts and elaborate daydreams.
They have to be patient with us,
Allow us to settle because our perplexed
heart, tired from the waiting, needs to catch
a breath, before to you, it gives it all away.



The other day I was banging my head against the wall wondering what my dream really is? Is there like, one major dream and then sub-dreams or what?
And I read this from an old blog post, today.

I think I want to intern at various design places…no matter what they design, do theatre, video-log, do a TLC show where I show people places they need to get going to. Visit all the places we stayed in when I was a kid.

Maybe this is a clue. Maybe I should believe in the Universe or listen to the people who love me and step-up my professional game.
Well let’s see. Let’s get done with Thesis, first.



Would you still write poems

when the walls come crashing down

and walk beside me on the sidewalk

in the numbing, cold rains.


Someone who keeps me up

with words that make a difference

and goes on silent, long-drawn

bookshop dates and nostalgia trips.


Someone who scribbles in my

sketchbook his wiry handiwork

just to annoy the hell out of me

and then take me to poetry-slams.


Someone I can ponder with

about all the mysteries in our mind

Someone who says things

without worrying about time.


Someone I can talk art with

And not worry what he thinks 

about my opinion and 

Has one of his Own.


I see images of you in many,

but I settle down for none.

Because you’re somewhere out there,

looking for the one.


I sleep on a torn pillow. Every night and every evening when I can spare myself a few hours of rest.
Because I had this same pillow when I used to stay at home during my school years.
Some keepsakes are just for your nostalgic nedds and nothing else.

love always,

Leaving Home

431127_331503180234272_107814965936429_924445_1934781323_n_largeNostalgia hits me as Soul Outside (composed by Antonio Pinto) plays and I type in perhaps my last post from my darling desktop, for this month. I’ll be back home, in June. Until then…

Home is where the heart is… and my Heart is where my family is… where I have memories that I relish. To sleep in my room where I grew up bests every other palatial residence you’d ever provide to me. My Home is my base zero. Its where I come to rejuvenate and de-stress. The world may go haywire… but if Im home surrounded by the people I love, I know its going to be okay.

But College is my other reality and it awaits me. My heart is still stuck here. Yet, I need to make my decision. I’ve filled up my Jar of Hope and Cans of Love… ready to face the world.


Come what may, I’m prepared to face it. Its time the puzzle pieces start falling in place… and the map that was once bleak begins to appear clearly. Its time Destiny unravels itself to me. And I’m ready.

Gratitude is all I have to offer. And Greatness is all Im going to accept.

Just have to be strong. So, I pray Im able to do justice to my work and dharma… to reach where I will reach…


Thank You


Saying Goodbyes

Just last Sunday, I packed up my stuff and travelled home…. how this week passed by so quickly remains a mystery to me. And yet it is abittersweet parting as I’m excited to go back to Uni and resume my drama and music practices… not to forget, Architectural Classes too. Haha. No, they’re part of the awesomness too.



Though I’ve made somecreally cool new friends, I just realised last night, that my heart still lay with the old ones. We went bowling and then for some Frappe tk Coffeetales.

I have a whole gang from high school and we hang out whenever possible and its always good coz we got the awesomest Jester Twins who can’t stop pulling everyone’s legs… The other guys who laugh and shout… girls who are so close to me. Its just another section of my family.

And then there is another little part….Vish and Shruti…. they’re like everything you can ask for… literally. Frank, sarcastuc, experienced, wise (somewhat) and ya, a lot of common interests except the Chivas, Dunhill etc part of which i don’t have a clue. Any techie trouble!… Vishal will solvd it. But why I really love ghese two is that they never “judge” me and I can share withthem, trouble them, laugh at them and be sure that I’d be slapped but never backstabbed. Lol.

So thag was friends. Not been able to get in touch with many!

Coming back … Im sure gonna miss my family, creature comforts that oly homes can provide, sleeping next to teeny meeny cousins, having home cooked food, TV, DELL XPS 8300, ohhhhh!

But you have to keep moving, right??

So yeah.

Im updating my playlist and movie collection. Will leave post lunch …. reach bangalore at 8pm…. spend the rest of the weekend there and leave for Tumkur on Sunday…. probably afternoon. And then I’ll have exactly 1 day to complete my homework, clean my Jurassic Park of a Room and Wash loads of clothes.

Muhaha 😉
