what it’s not

It either is, or its not,

there is no letting it grow

on you while you sit and

mull over the possibilities.


Yes it gets better with age

but everything needs a real

beginning or it remains

entangled in the if’s and maybe’s.


Its either crystal or smoked glass

Its either waiting for your hands 

to brush against each other 

while you walk together.


Or its nothing.

Its not waiting for weeks

in apprehension, in excitement

with your breath held.


Its smiling at the thought of 

them looking at you, even if

they’re a world apart,

or sitting beside you.


Knitting dreams without

this assuring feeling

at the pit of your conscience

is a folly in your court.


Breathe, ruminate, see if

the lights are on and the windows 

open when you walk into that

person’s world, a fantasy.


If there is even a moment of doubt,

step back, walk out as gently 

as you came in, because this is

not your house to stay.


There’s time. I am not mine.

You are not theirs. 

The breeze reminds you

there’s work tomorrow. 
Continue reading “what it’s not”

Love The Woman Who Made YOU Possible


Its easy to say that you’re stronger than you appear to be. That you don’t mind not having a special One in your life while others send greetings and other mushy messages to one another before bidding adieu or Good Night.

You may say you don’t give a damn that you don’t have anyone to just call up and go for a walk with… someone with whom you share mutual appreciation. Someone who fills your bleak moments with splashes of their own colour. Someone whom you can talk your heart out and listen to, at the same time. Someone who makes you feel guilt-free and beautiful. Limitless.

Someone you can put the blame on bad hair days and get away with it. Whom you can demand anything from and know that they’d do their best to make you Happy! That all they want is … a smile on your face and to hear the same words from your lips as those which echo in their own hearts.

Sometimes you almost find that person. But its too early or its just a mere possibility. Or sometimes, you’re still in oblivion. And have no clue where you are or who you’re gonna end up with. Sometimes you almost send the words but replace them with a smiley, instead.

Well, I’ve realised that keeping love within your heart does nobody any good. So now that its reached your lips or fingers… just type it out! And send it to whomsoever you love a LOT!

Like tonight, I had to save my love but I don’t wanna waste it. And I could NOT think of anyone better than my own Mother to send it to! We can never compensate for the love, selfless care and blemishless concern that they shower upon us, irrespective of our reciprocation.

I know I don’t say it enough. I know Im not able to be beside you all the time but I love you, Mum! And you mean the Universe to me. I may not show it, but I know you Know it.

So instead of sending my Love to people who may or may not value it, I’d rather send it to the one Woman … the person who showed me what it is to feel. The Person behind my every success. The person who’s kept her faith in my abilities.

Take a few moments. And tell the people you love what they mean to you. Its never too much, or too late. Be grateful.

I love you, too , for your time and patience…

Arrividerci :’)